What’s your story? David Zambrano

The inventor of Flying low and the founder of TIC TAC art center started dancing in clubs in Venezuela with his sister before moving to New York and setting the dance floor on fire with disco dance. In night clubs, he met good dancers and invited them to explore movement in a studio he rented.

It's only later that David Zambrano met the floor ; after an injury. What started with rolls then developed into a worldwide language known as Flying low before Passing through and couple dance came along. After more than thirty years of travelling, David decided to take a 10 years "rock star" break in Brussels and build his temple ; TIC TAC.

Discover his full story in this episode.

Mentioned in this episode:
• couple dance
• disco dance
• Flying low
• Passing through
Impuls Tanz
• improvisation
• floor work
P.A.R.T.S, Rosas
• Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Wim Vandekeybus
• Simone Forti
• Anna Halprin
• Mat Voorter
ZOO/Thomas Hauert
• nano movements
Deltebre dansa

Find David Zambrano in TIC TIC art centre: tictacartcentre.com

"No mas dictadura en Venezuela” availabe here.


#24 What is it like to be followed for years for a documentary?


#23 How is your movement vocabulary built?