The Symptothermal Method - Bonus track 01
A bonus track on the Symptothermal Method from the second episode of dancersFAQ with Jessie Brebner from Fertility Charting available here.
The Symptothermal Method is a natural method of contraception. It is based on observing physical changes throughout your menstrual cycle in order to know when you are fertile or not. The most important signs are the change in your cervical mucus and cervix (sympto) as well as your basal body temperature (thermal).
Its efficacy can rise up to 99,6% if well used BUT in opposition to a hormonal contraception “its success relies upon you.” (Jessie Bebner). You must be very dedicated in order to reach a high effectiveness.
Charting your cycle will open a new level of self-awareness, no matter your sexual activity.
THIS IS NOT the Ogino Knaus “rhythm” method where you “calculate” your fertile days based on your previous cycle lengths.
Mentioned in this episode:
• Taking charge of your fertility by Tony Weschler
Info+: The Rhythm Method was created by the gynecologists Ogina (Japan) and Knaus (Austria) in the 1930s. They both discovered that the ovulation occurs between 12 and 16 days before the next period
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