#19 How was Graham dance born and how is it going today?

The idea that Martha Graham was suddenly revolutionary is a myth. It was a whole process.

Rafael Molina, a dancer, choreographer, writer and the founder of Graham for Europe will take us back to the birth of this dance in New York and through time and space in the steps of Martha and her disciples.

Mentioned in this episode:
Loïe Fuller
Isadora Duncan
• American Modern Dance
Louis Horst
• Movement Studies
Bennington college
Doris Humphrey
Mary Wigman
The Ailey School
• floor work / standing work / going across the floor
• Graham technique
Batsheva Dance Company
London School of Contemporary Dance
London Contemporary Dance Theatre
Robert Cohan
Rudra Béjart's School
Jerusalem Dance Academy
Kibbutz Dance Company
Ohad Naharin
LaGuardia High School

Find Rafael on grahamforeurope.com


#20 What are the different phases of a menstrual cycle?


What's your story? Amanda Chapman